
Flat Beds
Dutch Mill Trucking, Inc. currently employs 10 flat bed truck drivers. These drivers are home almost every night and are paid a percentage of their loads. All drivers have experience or training in tarping their loads. The company hauls a lot of building materials in the summer months. Hauling salt has also became a staple to business operations in the winter months. Dutch Mill does not currently have any step deck trailers.

Refrigerated Units
Dutch Mill Trucking, Inc. has 53' refrigerated vans regularly across the northern portion of the continental United States. Loads to Salt Lake City and Boise are typical runs from Wisconsin. Drivers are out and back usually within four-five days. DMT does not currently have any trucks that are team driving. Trips pay a flat rate per mile based on experience and time at Dutch Mill.
Specialty Services
Specialty loads are handled on a case by case basis. Dutch Mill Trucking, Inc. does not typically haul oversized loads. DMT also does not have any step deck trailers. Currently Dutch Mill does not haul hazardous waste. For questions with load specifications, call dispatch at 1(608) 269-5463 during normal business hours Monday-Friday.